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Sandy Oak Chesapeakes

2013 in Review

2013 In Review

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated this blog. I apologize. First of all, in order to write, I have to be inspired or nothing creative comes out of my brain. Secondly, I just don’t ever seem to have the time, between working full-time at a job that has nothing to do with dogs, then coming home to my next full-time job with the dogs, and everything in life that seems to interrupt the pleasures in life that I would like to enjoy. On top of it all, the septic system, furnace, stove and dishwasher all went out this year and without any puppies on the horizon, it’s difficult to replace them. Thank you to Matt and Shelley Lyttle, fellow Chesapeake lovers, who gave me a stove that we are working on getting installed, and hooked up to the gas line as my 40 year old now defunct stove was electric...and we will get it working! I have also become an expert at building fires in our wood stove so we haven’t frozen to death yet Winking. Read More...